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The stock price fell more than 11%! BYD responded to Buffett's first reduction: market behavior, normal operation

  • joy
  • 2022-08-31 11:17:20
  • 244 read
  BYD (002594, 01211.HK) responded to the "stock god" Buffett's reduction.  On August 31, in response to Bu...

  BYD (002594, 01211.HK) responded to the "stock god" Buffett's reduction.

  On August 31, in response to Buffett's reduction of BYD's holdings, The Paper contacted BYD's investor relations department as an investor. The other party said that they were understanding the matter. Buffett's stock sale was a normal market behavior, and the company's operations were normal.

  On August 30, the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange showed that Berkshire Hathaway, a subsidiary of Buffett, sold 1.33 million BYD H shares on August 24, with an average price of HK$277.1016, cashing out HK$369 million and still holding 2.18 100 million shares, accounting for 19.92% of the issued voting rights.

  Affected by this, BYD's A and H shares opened sharply lower today. As of press time, BYD's A shares exceeded 6%, and Hong Kong stock BYD shares fell by more than 11%.

  In fact, there were rumors that Buffett reduced his holdings of BYD in July, which triggered a round of BYD's stock price plummet. On July 12, CCASS data of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange showed that 225 million shares of Hong Kong stock BYD shares were transferred to Citibank on July 11, accounting for 35.39% of the issued shares. Market participants speculated from the scale of the transfer that these shares should come from Berkshire Hathaway, which is owned by Buffett. However, since then, Berkshire Hathaway has not made any disclosures related to the reduction of its holdings. Analysts believed that Buffett’s reduction of BYD’s holdings was just a false alarm.

  Before that, Buffett had held BYD for more than 14 years. According to the average price of 277 Hong Kong dollars, the profit from the sale was more than 33 times.

  On September 29, 2008, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway spent HK$1.8 billion to subscribe for 225 million shares of BYD in Hong Kong stocks at a price of HK$8 per share. Since then, Buffett has been heavily holding BYD, and he has also attended events such as BYD's new car launch, serving as a platform for BYD.

  Charlie Munger, Buffett's old partner and vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, has always been known as a "mutual achievement" with BYD. He once described BYD founder Wang Chuanfu to a reporter from Fortune magazine: "It's a mix of Edison and Welch. He can solve technical problems like Edison and solve business problems like Welch. I've never seen anything like that."

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